Sunday, February 16, 2014


If you didn't know… this: has been going on among women ministers lately.  Selfies called "This is what a pastor looks like."  If you thought you knew what a pastor looks like – or should look like – be prepared to refocus.  I am a female minister and I realized scrolling through these images my perception has warped and narrowed over the years.  What a beautiful wake up call. 

I know that each one of these women pictured  - with all the other shit in her life - works her hardest to make sure the people in her community know they are loved by God.   Each of these women is doing her best to live out the glory that is within her.  Each of these women tries to bring about God’s beloved community here on earth.  

I find these pictures beautiful and empowering. (No really, they make me cry.  I’m crying right now)

Perhaps because what I see while looking through these pictures - are the stories behind the pictures - the balance of life, the fatigue, the self care, the children, the motherhood, the imperfections, the pastoral care, writing the sermon, the loss, the love, the family, the sadness, the goals achieved, the distance, the silliness, the desires, the beauty, the sassiness, the fun, the questions, the doubts, the scars.  It is all so imperfect and all so beautiful!  It is so clear – so easy to see the Divine in each one of these women! 

There are some AMAZING women out there doing EXTRAORDINARY things.  I am proud to be among them.  

P.S.  To those who have shared pictures – thank you.  You are an inspiration.  Thank you to Kate McGee who has gathered the pictures in Tumblr.